Suhagan Chudail written update: Moksh revealed as Shantanu – 30th July 2024

06:53 01/08/2024

Suhagan Chudail 30th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Moksh is Shantanu

#SuhaganChudail #SuhaganChudail30thJuly2024 #SuhaganChudailWrittenEpisode #MokshisShantanu #SuhaganChudailUpdate

Suhagan Chudail 30th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Moksh and Deya come inside the castle. Deya sees flashbacks of Shantannu. He said the way you made two lovers cry, you will also cry. You will never get your love in any life. Deya says because of Shantanu’s cruse am I not being able to unite with Moksh? Moksh finds a grave. The villagers try to attack them.

Moksh and Deya come downstairs. A baba says they ruined my meditation. They will suffer. He sees DEya’s locket. He says you look blessed. Diya asks him about Shantani. He says Shantanu was my ancestor.

Nshi tries to look for Deya and Moksh. She says they will have to die. The man says my father used to tell me about Shantanu’s love. his soul is still roaming around for his true love. DEya asks do you know a way to go to his soul? he says you can get to him if you find anything he had used. But centuries have passed. Deya says we have to look for the dagger he used to kill himself. Moksh says to Deya you stay here. I will handle those people. I wont let you risk your life. You stay here and look for the dagger. Dey says please be careful. The baba says we don’t have time.

Scene 2
Everyoen is worried at the haveli looking at the demons. Raghu says Nishiganda is doing it, she’s a witch. Josna is shocked that he knew. Nishi sees that Moksh and Deya are in Sohngarh. deya looks for the dagger. Glass starts to break. Nishi comes there. She says you will both die one by one.

Josna asks Raghu how did you know? he says I knew before the wedding. I saw her feet. I have a secret that I hid for years. Vishter runs from the cage. Nishi says to Deya you got your locket back? but I got my 14 jewels. Deya says I don’t wanna fight with you. Nishi says are you scared? Deya says I am not. I saw your past. You suffered a lot. I don’t wanna do more mistakes. She says Shantanu didn’t cheat on you. Nishi is shocked.

Shantanu said if my Nishi isn’t in this world I don’t even wanna breathe. He killed himself. Nishi is shocked. She falls in shock. Raghu says when Moksh was born he didn’t have a heartbeat. I took him to a mortuary. We prayed so long for a child. His dead body was in my hands. Then I heard a voice, it was the devil. He said he can bring my child back to life. Raghu promised him he would do whatever the demon asked. The demon gave Moksh a life. The demon said this was the time of his birth. Make kundali with this time.

Nsihi says Shantanu didn’t cheat me? Deya says I saw everything myself. Nishi strangles her and says you’re lying. You are gonna fool a witch? if he didn’t cheat his soul would have looked for me. Deya says I am looking for his soul. This pandit ji is his grandchild. He will call his soul here. we have to look for his knife. Please trust me once. Nishi strangles her and says trust you? I am not a stupid woman like you. Deya says keep my locket. I am putting it here. if I make a mistake you can kill me. Nishi is confused. She says you have one hour.

Vishter tries to look for Shantanu’s soul. Deya says I can find that knife. I am doing this for Shantanu. Not you. Nishi looks for the dagger. Deya finds the dagger under a wall. She says it’s the same dagger. Nishi says you’ve one hour, I will kill you if this is all a lie.

Raghu says years passed by. I forgot everything. When I saw Nishi is a witch, the demon came to me and said do you remember your promise? You promised to get him married to a chudail. He says I didn’t want to risk Moksh’s life. Josna syas you risked his life by doing that.

The baba starts the vidhi. he says Shantanu will have to come here. Nishi cries. Vishter says Shantanu’s soul isn’t in this jar. The pandit ji says Shantau please come here. Vishter says if Shantanu’s soul is released he would have gone to meet Nishi. But if he didn’t that means he was given a new life. He is a new person now. The pandit says his would would come here. Mahasur gave Shantanu’s ssould to Moksh. Moksh comes where the pandit ji is doing the vidhi. Deya is shocked. She says Moksh has Shantanu’s soul?

Episode ends

Precap: Nishi says to Moksh you’re my Shantanu. You only love me. He seees his past. Deya comes there as Shalak. He tries to kill her. Deya says its me. Nishi says I will kill myself if I don’t get Shantanu. Deya says to Moksh I know what you’ve to do next.

Update Credi to: Atiba

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