Suhaagan 28th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Swara exposes Dhwani in front of Vedant’s family

05:13 29/07/2024

Suhaagan 28th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Swara exposes Dhwani infront of Vedant’s family

#Suhaagan28thJuly2024 #SwaraExposesDhwani #VedantsFamily #WrittenEpisodeUpdate #ZeetvSuhaagan

Suhaagan 28th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Swara getting helpless and shouts in anger, she gets her voice back. She holds her neck and walks behind. She runs and collides with the door, and it is about to open. She moves back and shouts, breaking the door and gets inside. Dhwani gets up shocked. Swara walks inside the room and holds Dhwani’s hair and makes her stand up, and then she slaps her. Dhwani asks how dare you to slap me, now see what I will do with you. She is about to slap Swara, but Swara holds her hand and twists it. She asks how dare you to put your hands on my suhaag. Dhwani is shocked and says Swara…your voice…is this your voice? Swara says no, this is a suhaagan’s voice. Dhwani asks how did you get your voice back? Swara says due to suhaagan’s power, even the life returns, and this is just a voice. She asks why you are so surprised and says the girl whom I thought as my friend, has betrayed me the most and made so many arrangements to burn my happiness. She says I used to trust you a lot, but you are so low.

Dhwani says stop your nonsense. Swara says I will make you understand and says you have taken over all my happiness since childhood, and I let you take it, but not today, as a suhaagan is standing infront of you, a suhaagan doesn’t let even yamraj take her suhaag, so what is your value? She comes to Vedant and makes him get up from the bed. Dhwani tries to stop Swara. Swara moves her with her finger. She takes Vedant from there. Dhwani says you got your voice, but I promise that I will snatch your husband from you. She runs behind them.

Koel opens the door and sees Swara and Vedant. She asks Swara to come inside and asks what happened to Vedant. She thinks if Dhwani and my plan failed. Manju comes there and calls Rudra and others. Rudra asks Swara what has happened, and asks her to tell what happened to her. Manju asks her to say. Dhwani comes there. Koel says we are asking Swara, but she is not saying, as she has no voice. She asks Dhwani to ask Swara, what happened to Vedant. Swara says what she will say, Mummy ji. Everyone gets shocked to see Swara speaking. Rudra is happy and asks Swara if she got her voice back. Swara says yes, Papa ji, my voice and someone’s true face is infront of me. She holds Dhwani’s hand and asks if you have any shame or not that you came here. She says this house is mine, Vedant ji is mine, you have no identity or work here, and asks her to leave. Dhwani says I will not go from here, until Vedant asks me to go. Swara says I will see how you don’t go from here.

Koel asks Swara what has happened to Vedant. Swara says he has one problem, and tells that Dhwani tried to loot my husband, becoming my voice. She tells them that she called him to the dhaba, mixed something in his drink or juice, and then he lost his conscience, and tells them everything. She tells them how she shouted and broke the door, and reached there at the right time and says she tried to snatched Vedant frome. Manju says disgusting. Rudra says I knew that your bad sight is on my son, and that’s why I threw you out and then also you did this. Dhwani says this is not right and acts to cry. Rudra asks her to leave. Dhwani asks him not to raise finger on her character and says I haven’t done a sin, but true love. Swara says what love, your love has done this with Vedant, he is not in his senses. She says your bad sight was always on my suhaag. Dhwani acts and asks her not to accuse her, and says they love each other, and says you have snatched my love and came between Vedant and me.

Swara sprinkles water on vedant’s face. He doesn’t come in his senses, so she throws water on his face. Manju asks if your mind is not right. Swara says when a suhaagan’s suhaag is at stake, then her mind is not at place. Manju says stop troubling him. Swara says I want to hear truth from him. Vedant opens his eyes and asks Swara if she is speaking. Swara says yes. He asks how did your voice return? Swara says I will tell you later, and asks him to throw this girl out. Vedant says Dhwani. Swara says you can’t think, what a cheap thing she has done with you. Dhwano asks Vedant to tell her, how much she loves him, and says she sacrificed her love for Swara, but Swara accused me and told bad words. Swara says you deserved this and asks her to leave.

Dhwani sits down and cries, gaining Vedant’s sympathy. Swara asks her to leave. Vedant says enough Swara. He goes to Dhwani and holds her hand, says she will not go anywhere. Dhwani thinks it will be fun now. Rudra asks what you are saying? Vedant says what is right, and says he don’t want to sail in two boats, and says it is good that you all came to know about Dhwani and my relationship, I don’t want to hide anything. He apologizes to Swara and says I couldn’t tell you truth. He says our marriage was fixed due to a big misunderstanding and says my Papa had chosen you and not me, and says I love just Dhwani and even now, she is my true love. Vrinda gets worried (for Naina). Rudra asks him to stop his nonsense. Vedant says Swara has the right to know the truth and says I love Dhwani and can’t live without her. He says I am sorry. Swara is shocked. Dhwani smiles.

Precap: Swara brings Naina and throws her on the floor. She says when I am not happy in our marriage, then how can your sister be happy. She asks Dhwani to marry Dholram.

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