Radha Mohan 30th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Radha finds Mohan at the factory

03:53 31/07/2024

Radha Mohan 30th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Radha reaches the factory while searching for Mohan

#RadhaMohanWrittenUpdate #RadhaMohan30July2024 #RadhaMohanEpisodeUpdate #RadhaMohanFactorySearch #RadhaMohanZeetv

Radha Mohan 30th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on jhanakserial.today

Yug mimicking a king says Mohan has dared to fall in love with his queen so Mohan should be cemented in a wall, he says they are going to follow the orders of the king so asks Mohan to come as they have been called by the king he starts dragging by his hand while he is still unconscious and the blood is flowing, Yug pushes Mohan against the wall and starts making the wall just as he did with Manan, when Mohan keeps calling to Radha again and again, Yug asks why is Mohan just taking the name of Radha when she has died and only his Radhika is still alive, he keeps making the wall, and even manages to finish it. Mohan is sitting after placing his hand over the injury, Yug with a smile claps both of his hand saying Bhagwan should never make anyone commit a murder but exclaims the joy one gets after doing it is unimaginable as there is a current that flows inside, while the relief is not understandably and it can get even twice when he is going to see Radhika shivering as she has wronged him so must pay for her crimes, he says the punishment of Radhika is that he is going to send her a video of her son after which she will realize her crimes, while now is feeling everything is good but when she gets the video of her son then her life will shiver. Yug thinks the world would say he did not even let the mother meet her son. Yug asks Radhika to thinks what he did not give her, as he has given her everything while she in return deceived him and is now going to pay for it through her son, he asks her to end the voice text and see the video. Yug walks away.

Radha is trying to call Mohan when she gets an audio message from Yug, she plays it in front of everyone and they hear that Radha has to pay for the deception through her son Manan, he orders her to see the video that he is sending her after this text. Radha plays the video when she gets shocked to see that Manan is trapped in a dark room while constantly trying to struggle, she is shocked seeing Manan like this so Ajeet and Punam help Radha sit, Ketki assures nothing would happen, Punam advises she must calm herself down. Radha wonders what can she do now and how will she save Manan, Ajeet replies everything will be fine as Mohan bhai is there to save Manan.

Gungun is still unconscious while the doctor are talking, they hear Gungun calling to Ramaa so the doctor goes out informing the child is asking for Ramaa, Radha runs to sit beside Gungun asking if she is fine, and is she in pain. Gungun asks if they found Manan, Radha asks her to not be worried as they will find Manan very soon, Gungun then asks about papa, Radha says they will even get his call very soon, Gungun asks if he did not call,she remembers that Ketki Bua had given her phone to Papa. Gungun says that the live location is always shared and they can find out about papa after tracking her phone. Gungun asks for her phone but Ajeet says that he has her phone, Ketki informs she can track the location and starts tracking it, she says the location of her phone is in Guregoun sector number fifty four, they all get worried.

Yug starts cleaning the blood marks of Mohan from the floor and exclaims no one can tell what happened here, he looks at the wall telling Mohan he has prepared for him and his son to die, Yug smiles before turning to leave when he sees the dagger, he picks it up again and after cleaning the dagger with a cloth he walks away.

Gungun asks Ramaa to go and search for papa, she is sure they would find Manan very soon because if Radha Mohan together then they are hit, Radha promises to Gungun that she will find both her father and her brother. Radha asks Ajeet to stay with Gungun but she asks them all to leave, Ajeet explains Gungun cannot stay alone, Radha also refuses to let her stay like this but Gungun replies she is forgetting that she is her daughter and is very strong while she can take care of herself, Punam asks Radha to not worry about Gungun, she asks Radha to go and bring back papa and Manan. Radha after kissing Gungun on the forehead walks away, Ajeet and ketki also leave when Ajeet advises Punam to call him if there is any problem

Yug brings the color which he starts applying to the wall behind which Mohan is trapped, he manages to completely cover it and then starts rubbing the white substance to make it feel as if it has been made for a lot of time.

Ketki, Radha and Ajeet reach the location when ketki says this is the location, Ajeet is able to find the phone when they suspect then even Mohan bhai would be somewhere near, Radha anxiously calls to Mohan jee who is unconscious inside the wall. Radha asks Ba Kai Bihari jee what is eh dong as she can neither find her Mohan jee nor Manan, she has lost her family once but does not have the strength to lose them again and he should do some magic that she reaches to her Mohan jee and Manan. Radha hears Champi barking while standing in front of them, Radha asks if Champi knows where is Mohan jee and Manan, they all follow Champi who heads back into the warehouse.

Yug coming out says they are from Bollywood and need some song, he dedicates a song to Mohan which he himself is singing and says Mohan should keep the bad things of him in his heart and the after finishing the song leaves advising Mohan to enjoy himself.

Radha enters the warehouse calling to Mohan jee, Ketki and Ajeet also call to Mohan Bhai. Yug comes behind Radha and then closes the gate of the warehouse. Ajeet and Ketki wonder how did it close, Yug then applies a lock to the warehouse gate while Radha is still calling to Mohan jee, she turns back and gets shocked thinking how did it close, she calls to both Ajeet and ketki when Radha ass how closed the door. Yug reveals he closed it, Radha walks to the front of the wall when she sees Yug hanging fro the ceiling, he starts laughing seeing her saying he has not done anything and says this is his beautiful factory. Yug mentions it is his own factory and what has she done to him, he was a hygienic person. And what has he become due to her, Yug says Radha has wronged him and they would be punished for it. Radha gets worried.

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