Nikhil Patel Opens Up About Marriage Drama with Dalljiet Kaur: Clarifies Allegations & Family Struggles.

09:06 14/08/2024

Nikhil Patel Breaks Silence on Marriage Drama with Dalljiet Kaur: Clarifies Allegations and Family Struggles

1. #NikhilPatel
2. #DalljietKaur
3. #MarriageDrama
4. #FamilyStruggles
5. #BreakingSilence

Nikhil Patel has issued a detailed statement addressing the ongoing controversy surrounding his marriage to Dalljiet Kaur. The Kenyan businessman, who married the well-known Hindi entertainment actress on March 18, 2023, has been under public scrutiny following Kaur’s allegations and recent legal actions. Patel’s statement offers his perspective on the situation, which has captured significant media attention.

Patel begins by recounting the sequence of events that led to their current predicament. He reveals that he and Kaur met in Dubai in 2022 and celebrated their Hindu wedding in Mumbai in March 2023. Shortly thereafter, the couple moved to Nairobi, Kenya, where Patel lives as a British expatriate. However, their time together in Kenya was brief, as Kaur returned to India with her son, Jaydon, in January 2024, citing marital problems.

Patel Addresses Marriage Drama: Patel clarifies that their ceremony in India was never intended to be a legal marriage and criticizes Kaur’s portrayal of it as misleading. According to Patel, the celebration was symbolic rather than a formal legal union. He states, “Our celebration in India was not in any way meant to be, nor was it a ‘legal’ marriage ceremony. For Dalljiet to pretend that we entered a legal union is deliberately deceptive and meant solely to support her portrayal as a victim.” Patel explains that both parties had planned to formalize their relationship legally once his divorce was finalized.

Support for Kaur’s Career Efforts: Patel also discusses his support for Kaur’s career after she relocated to Kenya. He invested significant time and resources to help her build her professional profile, providing her with a studio for her YouTube channel and podcasting ventures. Despite this, Kaur remained focused on pursuing opportunities in India, working on scripts and promoting her short films. Patel mentioned, “She made consistent efforts to secure work in India by writing scripts and attempting to market her short films, though they did not achieve the success she hoped. As a supportive partner, I remained committed to backing her projects.”

Response to Allegations of Infidelity: Patel further addresses the challenges Kaur faced in adjusting to her new life in Kenya, where she was not as widely recognized as she was in India. He explains, “Another challenge was the adjustment to a different level of recognition in Kenya compared to what she was accustomed to in India. Dalljiet found it difficult to adapt to being perceived as a regular member of our community here in Kenya rather than being recognized for her fame and status as an actress, as had been the case for well over a decade in India.”

Taking responsibility for his actions, Patel also criticizes Kaur for labeling him a “cheater” and claiming he had “extramarital affairs,” pointing out that she moved to Kenya knowing he was still legally married.

Impact of Kaur’s Departure from Kenya: Patel reveals that after Kaur and Jaydon left Kenya eight months ago, he faced significant scrutiny on social media. He explains that Kaur decided to withdraw Jaydon from his prestigious British international school in Nairobi after just four days of the new term. She then notified his eldest daughter via a voice message and informed his friends that she planned to leave Kenya permanently and return to India.

Despite Kaur’s departure, Patel maintained daily communication with her for several weeks, during which he experienced verbal abuse through video and phone calls, often late at night. Patel made sincere efforts to resolve their issues privately, asking her to return to Kenya to address their differences and restore their family life.

Family Life and Daughter’s Discomfort: Patel also touches on his family life, revealing that Kaur never met his youngest daughter and that his older daughter expressed discomfort with Kaur’s attempts to maintain contact. Patel criticizes Kaur for not respecting his daughter’s wishes, stating, “Despite her Instagram status as ‘Proud mummy of 3,’ Dalljiet has never met my youngest daughter. Furthermore, my older daughter here in Kenya has repeatedly requested that Dalljiet leave her alone as she does not wish to have any continued relationship with her. Dalljiet’s continued refusal to respect my daughter’s wishes is a direct contradiction to her proclamations that she is doing what she is doing for ‘all women.’”

Accusations of Fabricated Stories: Patel expresses concern for his teenage daughter, noting that Kaur’s actions have placed significant mental, social, and emotional strain on her. He is troubled by the ongoing, unwelcome online harassment his daughter has faced and believes it is his responsibility to address it. Patel urges Kaur to cease her interactions with his children to alleviate their distress.

Additionally, Patel accuses Kaur of fabricating stories to garner media attention, including a claim about being “homeless” in Kenya. He recounts an incident where Kaur attempted to enter their gated community, causing distress to his children, which led to increased security measures.

In closing, Patel expresses hope that the media will move on from their tumultuous story, allowing both parties to find peace. He wishes Kaur and Jaydon the best in their future endeavors and urges her to let go of past grievances.

As Patel’s side of the story emerges, Dalljiet Kaur has also issued her response.

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