Bhagya Lakshmi 7th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Malishka plots to evict Lakshmi

03:40 08/09/2024

Bhagya Lakshmi 7th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Malishka plans to oust Lakshmi from her house

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Bhagya Lakshmi 7th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Pandit jee tells Lakshmi they would need a chain to perform the ritual of Ladu Gopal, Lakshmi leaves when Pandit jee calls her and then Malishka comes, Aanchal comes asking Malishka about the medicine of Neelam Di as she is getting a migraine attack, Malishka asks if Aanchal is sure she wants to give the medicine as there is a function going on and she might go into deep sleep, Aanchal asks Malishka to not argue but then Lakshmi coming says they are in the first aid box, Malishka asks if she opened the Almirah of Neelam mom when Lakshmi replies that she ordered the medicines of Dadi and then even brought the medicines of Neelam aunti. Malishka asks Karishma Bua if she saw how Aanchal Bua talked to them then Karishma recalls how she saw Neelam di and Aanchal talking so warns Malishka that Aanchal might not support them anymore.

Shalu comes calling to Rishi asking if he has five rupees, Rishi calls Mukesh and then starts looking but says he can give her a lot more however Shalu says she just needs five rupees then Aayush comes asking what happened, Rishi says that Shalu needs five rupees and Aayush says he can give him one thousand but Rishi replies Shalu just needs five rupees, then Shalu leaves. Aayush is staring at her when his wife Anushka comes to him asking if he can come with her as she needs to talk in private.

Rishi stops Lakshmi saying he has a question, he assures he would not ask difficult question then she agrees to it, he requests her to say the truth, she replies she always tells the truth but he says she lies when she is blaming him, Lakshmi turns to leave but he stops her asking her how is he looking in the Avtar of Krishna, Lakshmi leaves saying he is looking nice, Rishi says he said that she should tell the truth but she just said so little, he is worried thinking she never feels he is handsome and so walks away. Lakshmi turns back to smile at Rishi.

Malishka asks Karishma why is she doing it all when hey all know how much they hate Lakshmi and she knows that Lakshmi is not suitable for their family. Malishka explains she is indeed very shocked due to the change of her behavior and not felt that she is talking to Aanchal masi, Karishma says that Aanchal would behave in the same manner as Neelam Bhabhi got furious at them both some time earlier and even advised Aanchal to behave like her, Karishma and Malishka see Aanchal cleaning the hands of Paru while smiling with her. Malishka asks how it changed so quickly, Karishma says that Aanchal has become just like Neelam Bhabhi and Malishka says this means she does not hate Lakshmi, Karishma replies that she has started loving Paru a lot more then her hatred for Lakshmi. Karishma sees her husband talking to Daljeet so leaves to be with him.

The lady advises Dadi to make sure Lakshmi performs the ritual the first time as she seems just like RadhaRani and the first time she saw lakshmi then felt very good, the lady even says she does not like anyone so early but if she does then it means the person is very nice so she asks Dadi to make sure Lakshmi performs all the auspicious things. Dadi sits with the lady.

Lakshmi hits Malishka while walking who asks if she has to say something, Malishka asks why did she not leave, Lakshmi replies that she tried to leave but was forced to come here, she asks why did Malishka not convince Neelam aunti, Malishka asks if Lakshmi thinks she did not try, Lakshmi replies she knows that Malishka would have done a lot but should know that even she does not want to stay here. The husband of Karishma calls her so Lakshmi eaves saying she needs to do some important things.

The friend of Aayush is talking on the phone saying he cannot attend the meeting right now, he turns back to see Shalu who hands him the five rupees and says that she is glad he tried to help them, the person stops Shalu asking about her name but she replies she does not feel they would meet again, the person asks what is the problem when Shalu questions what is the need for it, Shalu asks the reason he wants to know the name when the person replies he wants to call her by the nae, she says he has two faces and does not want to be associated to him, the friend thinks that he should apologize to her as she is thinking wrong of him.

Shalu tries to scare Paru and Rohan but they are not scared when they also Shalu masi if she likes the dress of Lakshmi maa and Rishi, they say that their plan is working when Rohan informs that in the morning they both were playing hide and seek and Shalu gets excited saying this means their plan is working. The person comes asking Shalu for her name, she stops both Rohan andd Paru from telling the name saying no one would tell her name, Dadi comes calling Shalu hearing which both of them get worried then Shalu gets up so the boy leaves saying he wanted to apologize to her so leaves. Rohan and Paru ask Dadi why did she call masi by her name, Dadi gets worried but Shalu sends her away before laving with the children.

Karishma is pulling Avinash to the side asking what is he doing, Karishma says she has a problem with his class, when the guests come so Karishma sends them away. Karishma then says she does not like Avinash tallking with the aunt of Lakshmi, he rpelies that it was just a friendly conversation with someone whom they know, Karishma leaves when Avinash wonders why is karishma behaving in this manner and he is worried.

Anushka reaches the corner with Aayush who asks what is she thinking, she replies the way he was staring at Shalu would make other people think wrong of them, Aayuhs replies he can look at Shalu and there is no problem with it. Aayush leaves.

Aayush bumps into his friend who is walking and then Aayush asks why does he have this smile, the friend sits on the couch and asks if Aayush knows Shalu very well, Aayush agrees then asks Aansh what is the need who questions if Shalu has a boyfriend, then Aayush replies she has a boyfriend so Aansh says she is very attractive and this angers Aayush but Aansh leaves.

Shalu realizes that Di has not arrived so says she will go and bring her, Dadi asks her to not be ate as it is time for the pooja.

Rishi is walking when he sees Lakshmi working in the kitchen so he goes to her asking what happened when she changed, she asks if she asked him to change but he replies she said it indirectly, he replies she did not like the dress he was wearing. Lakshmi asks what difference would it make if she likes it or not as he must ask the one sleeping with him, Rishi says Lakshmi should answer the question directly as there is nothing wrong with knowing her choice but she has to say a lot of extra things he leaves angrily. Shalu comes to the kitchen when she notices Lakshmi di is not fine so asks why is she angry, lakshmi replies there is someone here who cannot see her happy and tends to irritate her, Shalu asks what happened, Lakshmi says Rishi is asking her how is he looking when he should be going to Malishka, Shalu starts smiling when lakshmi asks the reason when Shalu replies they both are fighting and have actually become friends, Lakshmi asks what is she saying, Shalu replies they both are living nicely but are just pretending when today in the morning Jiju was hiding in her room to save him from the scolding of Neelam aunti, Shalu asks lakshmi di to tell her then say that Jiju will tell her, she asks if Jiju was hiding in the almirah of Lakshmi di, he agrees saying what is the reason to lie if they are in love, he says she knows what would mom have done if she found out that he was in the room of Lakshmi for the entire night so leaves saying he tells the truth and does not lie, Rishi leaves when Shalu starts smiling looking at Lakshmi who asks her to keep working.

Malishka goes out and then sees her mother who asks her to sit down asking why is she crying, Malishka asks her how is she as a human being and her mother says she is a nice person, Malishka asks why does Lakshmi always cross her limits when she always gives big lectures but if that was the case then why was she in the same room with Rishi, if she is not bothered by anything then why was she in the room with Rishi.

Shalu says to lakshmi that even the children would be happy seeing them both together, Shalu replies even she will get happy so says she feels that both Di and jiju should end all their differences after sitting together, she knows they both had a lot of differences and stayed away from each other for so long but Bhagwan jee once again made them come back together.

Malishka says Lakshmi is a very bad person and always keeps playing bad games, as she is the one who hid Rshi in the Almirah and then her mother says thisdoes not suit rishi, Malshka asks her mother to not say a word against rsihi as this is the doing of Lakshmi.

Shalu tells Lashmi that she feels both of them should come together and this is the best thing just then the lighting happens and Shalu wonders the reason, Lakshmi replies it is because even Bhagwan jee ddnot like what she said.

Malishka says that she felt Rishi was the one making the mistakes but is Lakshmi, her mother tries to blame Rishi however Malishka is not able to accept it, Malishka says Lakshmi is playing dirty games and wants to cause differences between her and the family, Malishka says she knows what Lakshmi is doing, her mother asks what does she feel, Malishka says Lakshmi wants her to always fight with Rishi as who would like an arguing wife while Lakshmi should herself be the nice person.

Shalu tells she geniuenly wants them both to stay happy as even thee children love her a lot and if they get back together then the children would also be happy. Lakshmi tells Shalu it is enough saying she just sees the days they were apart but she can see the day she first met Lakshmi, she replies she does not want to forget what she learned from the past and lived with her eyes closed but does not want to trust anyone now, she fulfilled all the relations and kept them together but in return just got pain. Lakshmi says that only Paru matters in her life and she can do anything for her.

Malishka says this time she is not going to let her win, her mother asks what will she do so Malishka says she is very angry wih Lakshmi this time and she is going to be punished for whattever wrong she has done and tonight Lakshmi will be thrown out of her house. Her mother tells Malishka to not do anything of the sort but she says it is very late, her mother mentions she does not feel this fight is normal but a lot worse however Malishka says that this might not have happened anywhere.

Lakshmi says she will stay in this house for Paru and talk to Rishi but she is not going to be the wife of Rishi neither today nor in the future, Shalu tries to argue but Lakshmi replies this will end today, Shalu must understand that she and Rishi are the parts of river that flow together but never meet and Paru is the reason they both are joined, Lakshmi walks away after wiping the tears.

Paru tells Rohan they have to do something after which their parents should stop fighting, rohan says they btoh fight a lot, Paru replies they fight a lot more, Rohan also agrees saying they fight more then the parents of other children, Paru suggests that if they say good things then they would start loving eachother, Malishka hears Paru and Rohan planning to make sure both lakshmi Maa and Rishi dad meet, they both are planning. Malishka thinks Paru is so young but very good in planning so thinks she is actually the copy of Lakshmi, Malishka leaves after getting worried.

Malishka while walking think she is trying to love Paru who has turned out to be the second copy of Lakshmi and she was planning to make sure Lakshmi and Rishi meet. Malishka thinks today both Paru and Lakshmi will get out of this house forever.

Rishi tells Aayush that he told the entire truth to Shalu that Lakshmi is not behaving in the correct manner but she even hid in her room and told the entire truth, Aayush tells Rishi bhai it is wrong but Rishi says he knows that Aayush always supports Lakshmi whenever she comes into this house, he says that he is going to behave in the same manner as Lakshmi behave with him. Aayush asks if lakshmi bahbhi called him but he went by himsef, rishi says he saw how Lakshmi was sleeping and so just desired to correct her posture but she held his handd and he wanted her to rest so let her hold it. Dadi leaves with Rishi, Aayush is just staring at Shalu when he notices his friend Aansh also staring at Shalu which makes him furious. Rano notices Aansh so asks where is he looking, Aansh runs away from her when Aayush also asks what was he looking at, Aansh first praises the decoration but then Aayush says he is lying so Aansh mentions he was looking at Shalu, Aayush replies he said that she has a boyfriend when Aansh says that her boyfriend might not be good and so Anushka comes asking what are they both doing here as it is time for pooja. Karishma asks Anuskha where is Malshka, Aanchal says even she did not see her for so long and so they all leeave for the pooja.

Malishka goes to the place of the pooja where she loosens one of the nut with the wrench, before going to do the same on the other side, she hears Shalu talking with Lakshmi so hides quickly. Lakshmi asks Shalu to go and call the Pandit jee, Shalu leaves asking everyone to be ready as the pooja will start very soon. Lakshmi starts preparing for the pooja while Maishka is staring a her from the top balcony, she notices the wire by her side, Malishka thinks if she pushes it then it would go hit Lakshmi on her head, Malishka prepares to do it but hen pandit jee comes and so the guests starts taking blessings from him. Malishka prepares to drop it over Lakshmi, Paru calls her so she leaves. Malishka is just lossing the nut and takes out the rod which causes it to fall over Paru, she gets hurt by it which shocks Lakshmi who runs over to her along with all the guests, lakshmi asks them to pick it up Aayugs comes running along with the other family, Rishi also comes as they prepare to lift it, malishka wonders what as happened, they manage to pull it and see Paru unconscious. Lakshmi tells Rishi that she is very hurt when one of the guests mentions she is a doctor, she asks them to take Paru to the room ,Rishi runs towards her room with Paru followed by the family. Lakshmi notices the nut on the floor. Rohan starts trembling thinking about Paru and so karishma hugs her, she asks Malishka to take care of him and she assures nothing would happen to her. Malishka keeps consoling him, assuring Paru will get better. Rohan insists on going to Paru, Pandit jee exclaims the bolt is out from the Palna, Karishma gets worried.

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