Close Relationships- ShiVi, SidAshi, RoNakshi, ArjAkshmi SS Part 9 Update.

07:29 03/09/2024

Kareeb ke Rishtey-ShiVi,SidAshi,RoNakshi,ArjAkshmi SS Part 9

#KareebkeRishtey #ShiVi #SidAshi #RoNakshi #ArjAkshmiSSPart9

Kareeb ke Rishtey…Close relationships… Part 9

Aarav and Pooja went for a romantic car drive.

When they reached the destination,Pooja relaxed leaning against the car while Aarav sat down humming a romantic song for Pooja.

Then Pooja sat on his lap and had a romantic moment with him.

Aarav took Pooja home secretly and got his mother’s blessings.His mother Smita was very happy for both of them.The trio clicked pictures together.

Aarav-Pooja played with Aarav’s cute dogs.

Aarav-Pooja went to a restaurant and had a romantic lunch.

Then they had cute fun moments there.


Pooja became very friendly with Smita.Aarav,Pooja and Smita had a lot of lovely moments together whenever Pooja visited their house secretly.

After a month….

Shiva bought 2 cups of coffee from the college canteen for himself and Raavi.He gave one cup to Raavi.

He sipped the coffee and showed a weird expression.


Raavi:What happened Shiva?

Shiva:My coffee has no suger in it.

Raavi:How is it possible?My coffee is sweet.

Shiva:You check and see whether it’s sweet or tasteless.

Raavi took a sip from his cup.

Raavi:It’s sweet.I think you had something sweet before drinking coffee.That’s why you don’t feel it’s sweetness.

Shiva:No,I did not have any sweet.

Shiva sipped the coffee.Then he smiled at Raavi.

Shiva:Now it’s sweet.Because you tasted it.

Raavi became dull.

Raavi:Shiva,why do you talk like a typical lover?

Shiva:Because I have become a lover.


Shiva:I was always having a soft corner towards you.May be because you were different from others.Your friendship made me happy.Your absence made me mad.I realized that you had conquered my heart.You made me a lover.I love you Raavi.

Raavi was shocked.

Raavi:Please stop this Shiva.I have not seen you that way.

Shiva became upset.

Shiva:But Raavi..your eyes say something else.Your eyes say that you are affectionate towards me.

Raavi:No Shiva.My eyes may be lying to you.

Shiva:Not your eyes,but your tongue is lying.

Raavi:Please Shiva,don’t make it difficult for me.My father will not accept this relationship.Our family is against intercaste marriages.He won’t even accept our friendship.I can’t go against my father.He might even kill you and I don’t want to lose you because of any love relationship.

Shiva:You are scared to lose me.This shows that you also love me.This is enough for me.

Raavi became emotional.

Shiva:Now that I know what’s in your heart,I will get you for sure.

Raavi was shocked.

The determined Shiva walked away.Raavi became tensed.




Shiva told about Raavi to his parents Gautam and Dhara.

Gautam:Our son is in love Dhara.

Dhara:I am so happy for you Shiva.

Shiva said in a sad tone:But Raavi’s family may not agree.

Gautam:Don’t worry.We will officially bring proposal to Raavi’s house.Then they won’t object as they will know the seriousness of your love.

Shiva was relieved.



Shiva,Gautam and Dhara went to Raavi’s house with the proposal.Yash was also there as he had visited them.

Gautam:I am Gautam Pandya and she is my wife Dhara Pandya.We run a shop called ‘Pandya Store’.This is our son Shiva.He studies with Raavi.He likes Raavi.He would like to marry Raavi after studies.

All were shocked.

Raavi could not believe that Shiva’s parents came with the proposal.Rohit got angry.

Rohit:How dare you get the courage to bring a proposal to my daughter despite of belonging to another caste?

Gautam,Dhara and Shiva were shocked.

Gautam:In this generation who gives importance to caste?

Naren:We give importance to caste.Our village gives importance to caste.

Gautam and Dhara became upset.

Raavi whispered to Shiva emotionally:Shiva,I told you how my family will react to our relationship.Then why did you do this?Now they will not even allow us to be friends.

Shiva became upset.


Seeing Raavi and Shiva talking to each other,Rohit slapped Raavi.Raavi started sobbing.Shiva became very upset.

Rohit:I told you to avoid boys.But behind my back you were loving a boy from another community.How dare you Raavi?

Sonakshi became upset and requested Rohit:Please Rohit..don’t hurt Raavi.

Rohit:Stop advising me Sonakshi.

Sonakshi became upset.

Yash became upset.

Yash:Rohit,years back i did a mistake to my daughter Lakshmi by not accepting her relationship with the person she loved just because he belonged to another caste.I regret it now.You please don’t repeat the mistake I did years back.

Naren got angry:What did you mean by you did a mistake?You think that Lakshmi’s lover was better than Rohit?

Yash:Lakshmi is already married.So it’s better not to compare Rohit with her husband Arjun.For Lakshmi,her husband would be better.Right?


Rohit:You both please stop it.I don’t want to discuss about Lakshmi and her husband.This is my daughter’s matter.How did she get spoiled?

Shiva:Uncle,please don’t say like that about Raavi.Raavi has not broken your trust in her.If so,she would have accepted my love.But she rejected my proposal in college.She told me that she will not go against you.She loves you that much.Please don’t misunderstand her.

Rohit was shocked.

Shiva:I am leaving.I will not keep in touch with Raavi like you wish.But please don’t hurt her.It’s my request.

Gautam and Dhara folded their hands painfully.

Gautam:If we are at fault,please forgive us.

Dhara:But please consider our children’s love.

Rohit turned off his face angrily.They felt insulted and hurt by Rohit’s behaviour.

Shiva left with his parents painfully.


Naren:Rohit,today itself you have to fix Raavi’s wedding.Otherwise she will go out of control.

Sonakshi and Raavi were shocked.

Sonakshi:How can you conduct Raavi’s wedding in a hurry?

Naren:Daughters in law should keep their mouth shut.

Sona:But papaji,this is my daughter’s matter.

Veena:Sonakshi,just obey elders instead of arguing with them.

Sonakshi became upset.

Naren:Rohit,2 days back Raghuveer Kapoor had brought his son’s proposal for Raavi.Just say ‘yes’ to him now.

Rohit:But Papaji…how can we just say ‘yes’ to them like that?

Naren:Are you talking like your wife like a spineless husband?They are well settled.What else do you want.Just say ‘yes’ to them.

Rohit:Ok papaji.



After some time Rohit went to Raavi’s room.She stood up seeing him in tension.

Rohit:I misunderstood you.Sorry beta.

(Thanks to my friend Rehana Siraj for this edit).

It was his first ‘sorry’ to her.She could not believe her ears.She looked at him in disbelief.

Raavi:Papa!Please don’t say ‘sorry’ to me.

Rohit:Raavi,I have fixed your marriage.

Raavi was shattered.

Raavi:Papa,my college is not over yet.A few more months are left.

Rohit:Raavi,it’s better to get married now.Otherwise boys like Shiva will be after you and we won’t get peace of mind.So you get ready to get married.

Raavi nodded tearfully.

Rohit went out.

Raavi burst into tears.



Pooja who had gone out with Aarav returned home and entered Raavi’s room.

Pooja was shocked to see Raavi crying.

Pooja:What happened Raavi?

Raavi told her everything.

Pooja was shocked.

Pooja:I will talk to Rohit Maasad now.

Raavi:Please Pooja…I beg you.Please don’t talk to papa about this.Things will become worse now.Please….

Pooja nodded tearfully.

Pooja:I failed to change Rohit Maasad.He is still the same.Now what will I do?

Pooja and Raavi hugged each other and cried.


Pooja informed this to Lakshmi and Arjun.They were shocked and upset.

Lakshmi cried:What happened Arjun?Why the history is repeating?I could atleast get my love.But Raavi lost her love because of her narrow minded family.

Arjun:This is called fate.We can’t change it Lakshmi.Some people can’t be changed even by God.But our Pooja should get her love.

Lakshmi embraced Arjun and cried.

Raavi’s engagement hall….

The bridegroom Rohan had not reached there though his father Raghuveer was present there.

Rohit:Where is Rohan?

Raghuveer became dull.

Raghu:He will come now.He has gone to the salon.


Kapoors noticed that Sonakshi was missing.

Rohit:Where is Sonakshi?

Naren:Such an irresponsible mother!

Veena:Rohit,we will search for her.She is a nuisance.

Rani:Sonakshi wants to create drama.So she must be hiding here.

Pooja was getting angry.

Pooja thought:I wish I could slam their mouths.

Finally Sonakshi reached there with Shiva.All were shocked to see Sonakshi with Shiva.All were shocked to see her condition.She was deeply injured.

Raavi wept:Maa,what happened to you?How did this happen?

Pooja:Aunty,are you alright?

Rohit:Sona,tell me who did this to you?

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